Tuesday, July 20, 2010


The Tetris-clone is proving to be harder to write than I thought it would be. Not hard as in "I can't write this" but hard as in "gosh this is getting boring, I want to move on to something else". I've got two shapes fully implemented, and almost got a third done, but there's still another four to go.

It hasn't help that I've been very busy with non-gamedev (indeed, non-computer) related stuff, so it's been hard to get to the computer at home. I've been keeping the most current version on my laptop as well, in case I get an opportunity to work on it during my breaks, but even then I keep getting interrupted (I know, I shouldn't have tea breaks and lunch at my desk...).

Aargh. Just going to have to force myself to get it done!

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Pong is done (and only in a couple of hours)! Next project: Tetris-clone!

It's actually a relief to have finished a project, even one as small as this. Gives me the confidence to tackle something larger.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

First steps

I've gotten tired of falling over because I've tried to run before I can crawl. All my high-falutin' ideas have been put on the backburner while I return to the basics. And you can't get more basic than Pong.

So far, after around an hour's work in Visual C# and Paint, I've got a ball bouncing around a playing field, with a bat the player can control and a bat the computer controls.